E-learning for Educators

EDUC 760, Fall 2011

UW-Stout, online

Professor Dennis O'Connor, instructor

Course Description

This course introduces educators to the hands on realities of teaching online. Using Moodle and D2L discover e-learning best practices and create discussion forums, online surveys, quizzes and e-portfolios.

You may enroll in the course to meet your goals for professional development, continuing education, license renewal, or to complete graduate credits and transfer to another university.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Analyze current research on teaching and learning using learning management systems.
  2. Evaluate, select and manage technology-based assessment tools.
  3. Apply collaborative learning theory to create and use web tools such as discussion forums and blogs for collaborative learning.
  4. Locate and evaluate the accuracy, relevance, appropriateness, comprehensiveness, and bias of electronic information resources to be used in the online classroom.
  5. Demonstrate ethical use of digital information resources and understanding of educational copyright and fair use principles in e-learning environments.
  6. Apply understanding of the impact of learner differences: culture/race, ability/disability, gender, age, socioeconomic status, and family influences in delivery of e-learning.
  7. Analyze how accessibility of technology based resources affects planning for instruction.
  8. Design and publish an electronic portfolio of course artifacts.

(EDUC 760)

© Deborah Kabler 2013