Learning Process

This is the second of three lessons at the beginning of the course that set the students up for success in the second grade library program. We establish our routine of reading and discussion as well as relate behavior in the library to the school-wide guidelines and learn to properly care for books borrowed from the library. These three elements will allow students to learn other information literacy skills during the year that will allow for greater independence.


Grade Two Library, Module 1, Lesson 2, Book Care

Lesson One

Learning Outcome: Describe what it looks like to be responsible (respectful, ready) in the library.

Learning Activiites: 

  • Listen to readings of Marley Goes to School and How do Dinosaurs Go to School?
  • Generate a list of behaviors that would show responsibility, respectfulness and readiness in the library.
  • Choose one word (responsible, respectful, ready) and draw, write or tell what it means to you.

Bridge Comment

Last week we talked a lot about being Responsible, Respectful and Ready in the Library. (Show a couple student examples from last week that describe being responsible in the library). One way to show you are responsible it so take good care of library books so they can be shared again and again.

Lesson Two 

Learning Outcome: Describe how to keep library books in good condition.

Learning Activiites:

  • Listen to readings of What Happened to Marion's Book and, if there is time, Manners with a Library Book.
  • View YouTube video “Don’t Let the Pigeon Read the Books”.
  • View examples of damaged books.
  • Smart Board: Put the book care picture clues in the correct column. (Do/Don’t)
  • Think and respond: Where do you keep library books or other special items at home? How will you keep library books safe and in good condition at home?

Learning Resources

Required Resources

  • What Happened to Marion’s Book?
  • examples of damaged books

Additional Resources

  • Book care book marks
  • Manners With a Library Book
  • PBIS expectations poster (displayed for easy reference)


Check your understanding

  • Think and respond: Where do you keep library books or other special items at home? How will you keep library books safe and in good condition at home?

Lesson Evaluation: Assessments (Non-Graded)

  • Think and respond: Where do you keep library books or other special items at home? How will you keep library books safe and in good condition at home?
  • Smart Board: Put the book care picture clues in the correct column (Do/Don’t)

Transition Comment:

Borrowing a book from the library is a big responsibility. Raise your hand if you think you can take good care of library books. Excellent! Next week, we will look at some of your work about being Respectful and Ready in the library, like we did today about being Responsible. Those are all three great things to think about on the first day of book check out.

© Deborah Kabler 2013